
5 Technology Trends Hotels Are Expected to Adopt in 2016

By Culinary Academy Las Vegas June 8, 2016

5 Technology Trends Hotels Are Expected to Adopt in 2016

Technology trends are ever­changing, and they continue to help businesses improve with every passing year. Regardless of your situation, technology has impacted your life in someway. Businesses throughout North America are constantly investing in new advancements, upgrading existing software, systems or any other form of technology they are currently utilizing.

Cloud­based technology has enabled boutique and independent hotels to attract guests from around the world—allowing them to compete against corporate chains. Revenue management tools, property management systems, and distribution platforms resulted in lower operating costs, increased efficiency, and improved guest experiences for many hotels. Due to the various benefits technology offers, hoteliers are expected to spend 54 percent more on infrastructure, according to the 2016 Lodging Technology Study. Here are five trends you can expect to see in hotels throughout North America.

Mobile Capabilities

Millennials are close to replacing baby boomers, becoming the primary decision­making authority. Unlike baby boomers, millennials are attached to their mobile devices—causing hotels to act on this characteristic.

With an abundance of mobile applications designed to simplify travelling, millennials expect to have everything accessible on their smartphones. Various hotels have developed mobile apps allowing guests to book rooms, check­in, control lighting, and order room service directly from their device.

Connected Devices

Hotels are beginning to incorporate connected devices in their rooms, making the guest experience even better. Hotels will be able to utilize any connected device, streamlining the workflow and improving productivity among staff members.

Cloud­Based Software

With an abundance of existing connected devices, the increased volume of data will be too large for physical storage units—forcing hotels to use cloud­based storage. Numerous hotels have adopted cloud­based storage platforms, resulting in improved efficiency.

Internet Security

A significant portion of personal data is stored on the internet, creating a strong demand for effective security platforms. With mobile devices becoming a popular payment method, hotels are constantly upgrading their security measures to help prevent any breaches.

Energy Consumption

Energy costs and consumption are serious concerns for businesses, especially hotels. Hoteliers have focused their attention on reducing energy costs and consumption, relying on connected devices to help them do so.

Intelligent devices allow hoteliers to view their hotel’s energy consumption in real­time, enabling them to focus on certain aspects that may be wasteful.

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